
why react component bind this in constructor

In many react component's constructor, developers always bind its methods with this, like:

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.say = this.say.bind(this)

This sentence seems to be stupid. Is this regulated by react?


In fact, react component class follow ES6 class std. The reason to put this sentence is because when you use this.say in your render, you alway use it as onClick callback function, this is why this is not point to instance of this component. Let's look into this code:

<a href="" onclick="alert(this.href)">click</a>

You know what this point to here, so when you use a component method as a event callback function, this in the function does not referer to the instance of component. So another way to solve this problem is to bind this when you use the method, like:

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  constructor() {
    // do not use bind sentence
  render() {
    return <a onClick={this.say.bind(this)}>click</a>

Now you can use this in say as want you want.

01:34:09 已有0条回复




23:19:52 已有0条回复

当我从sublime转到atom时,以为遇到了真爱,但是卡卡的atom简直不忍直视,总感觉这货随时会挂掉,进王者峡谷智能是脆皮坦克一般的存在。当我抱着试一试VS CODE的心态,下载安装了之后,瞬间那种喜悦感,恨不得把自己电脑上最大的数据库文件打开来试试。VS CODE比atom更精美,速度更快,不带有疯狂的package社区,专注写代码。特别是底部打开时候的紫色工具条,太艳了。很快,我就从一个厌恶微软产品的人,转而喜爱上这款微软发布的开源编辑器。在我几乎所有的电脑上卸载掉以前的编辑器,专门用VS CODE编程。


21:00:06 已有0条回复

run Photoshop CS2 on Windows10

When I downloaded the free old version of Adobe Photoshop CS2 and installed it on windows10, I found it is not able to launch the software, it comes out with a error alert, and force me to close the program. I was aware of it is a compatibility problem, but not know how to fix it. After tried a lot, I found the most easy way: using windows application tools.

  1. close your photoshop cs2 alert first
  2. open your photoshop cs2 installed directory, and select Photoshop.exe
  3. on the top of the screen, there will be a tab named Manage
  4. click Troubleshoot compatibility item
  5. follow what it call you to do, try more
  6. done

And you may need to run photoshop as administrator, for this, right click on Photoshop.exe and open properties, change to Compatibility to select Run this program as an administrator.

14:18:10 已有0条回复

在最开始接触一个依赖的时候,把关于^~等符号的版本管理弄清楚的时候,觉得这个好伟大,然而当躺进坑里,才发现,这东西是害人的。对一个第三方package的依赖,默认安装会在版本前面加^,当第二次执行npm install的时候,如果发现npm服务器上存在比该版本大的小版本号,就会使用新的版本的package。然而,然而!当新的版本对当前环境不兼容时,特别是那些被依赖的很深的package发生这种情况,对于开发者而言,简直就是噩梦。昨天做build的时候一切还正常,连代码都没改动,今天再做build的时候,却怎么也通不过了。造成这个问题的原因,是因为所有的package的版本都向后兼容,虽然你的项目代码没有变,但是你的第三方依赖代码变了,如果新的第三方代码不兼容你当前的node版本,那么就是一个惨字。解决的唯一办法,是通过升级npm版本,升级之后,package都是扁平化的,然后再在package.json文件中,把那个不兼容的package固定在较低的版本中。

我个人的观点是,一个项目,之所以能够正常运行,是因为在开发时选择了适合的版本,而且是经过测试的。倘若在第二次运行时,代码不同,那么怎么保证之前的测试是有效的呢?因此,npm install不应该自作主张的从服务器选择更新的版本,而是在本地安装允许的最新版本。比如jquery,安装本地所有package中允许的最新版本,而不是比本地允许的版本还要新的版本。

09:21:05 已有0条回复


这里有一篇如何实现node和python混合的文章,简单的说,就是利用node child_process能力,通过exec执行一个命令行命令,这个命令行命令调用python程序执行,并且把执行结果输出在child_process的stdout中,node在对stdout的输出结果进行解析即可。


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